*modified from the New York Times recipe

½ cup whole wheat flour
1 cup bread flour
2 cups all purpose flour
1 teaspoon salt
1 cup ‘fed’ sourdough starter
¼ teaspoon yeast

Mix everything in a bowl with enough water to create a loose sticky dough. Cover loosely with plastic wrap and let rest for 8-24 hours.

Cut a piece of parchment paper to large circle and put in a clean bowl or proofing basket (basket only needs to be dusted with rice flour). Dust hands and working surface with flour, pull dough out of bowl and fold over on itself 5-6 times. Form a ball and lay on parchment paper. Cover with plastic and let rise 2 hours. At the 1 hour mark heat oven to 450 degrees and let a covered dutch oven come to temperature inside.

Bake covered for 30 minutes, uncovered for an additional 25. If not finished, turn off oven and let bread continue to bake another 10 minutes.

Let cool for an hour before eating.

Note: because the boat oven is so small and the temperature is quite high, the bottom of the bread tends to burn a bit. Who cares – eat it if you like or slice that little bit off.