Since there was no wind and no swell, we decided to head back to one of our favorite islands, Seguin. A visit is best done in calm weather given its distance off the coast. Luckily there was only one other boat in the harbor (first come, first serve for moorings) and we had the island trails to ourselves. We hiked the Cobblestone trail first to view the open Atlantic, then up the steep trail to see the lighthouse, and finally the Cove Trail, which gave us a lovely view of Kalyra on her mooring.

Seguin Light

The old osprey nests that we saw last time were still there and it was quite fun to watch the new birds hunt and feed their young.

Seguin Selfie with Kalyra

Of course something always has to go wrong when you’re in a remote area, and in this case our fridge decided to crap out. I had noticed the freezer not freezing anymore, but suddenly the temperature started creeping up. Trip added and removed refrigerant with no success, so we just hoped the temperatures wouldn’t climb much further before a) food spoiled, and b) Trip could call for technical assistance.

Leaving the fridge to fend for itself, we grabbed a bottle of wine, hiked back up to the lighthouse, and had a bench with a spectacular view of the sunset. (There are caretakers on the island, but I’m pretty sure they’ve seen two months of sunsets at that point and don’t care much anymore to test the mosquitoes.)

Sequin Sunset