No pics here, just some thoughts on special passages. We left Velas mid morning with almost no wind , but within a couple of hours we had a ghost of a breeze so we set the sails and killed the engine. We saw only 6-8 knots of wind for the next 24 hours, but managed to sail at a beautiful 4-6 knots upon glass calm seas. It was hard to believe that this was the same Atlantic Ocean that was so turbulent on the way across.

We had dolphins galore, swimming both up at the bow and playing behind the stern.

Night brought the most spectacular starry sky from horizon to horizon. Bioluminescent creatures came to life as the bow cleaved the water.

We made landfall in Sao Miguel mid afternoon and tied up in our slip without issue.

These are the passages that remind you how insignificant we are in this grand spectacular world.