The goblets – Before & after the magic trick

We’re only home for three months and there’s a lot to pack into that time. Visiting with family and friends is the utmost priority (and the most fun), but there’s a lot of other things to manage: Ordering spare parts that can more easily be sourced in the US, bringing back things that we wish we had packed the first time, doctor visits, house & car repairs & maintenance, just to name a few.

It’s been on my list to replace our wine glasses and general drinking glasses on board. Years ago I had a really bad experience with two glasses (of actual glass) shattering, leaving shards of glass everywhere in the boat, and creating a sense of panic about walking barefoot (pretty much all the time). At that time we switched to plastic, and found some glasses that felt safe but didn’t look like we were camping. Several years of hard use, however, has dulled the finish on the (plastic) glasses no matter how well I washed them. Time to replace.

Whenever I’m buying something for the boat, I like it to have some meaning. I’ve replaced all the bowls on the boat with bowls I’ve bought in every country we’ve visited. I missed the chance to do the same with the glasses (guess we’ll have to go back?). However, as I was cleaning out the house this time (I attempt to get rid of a little bit more crap every time we’re home), I came across silver plated goblets that we inherited from Trip’s mother. They were horribly tarnished, but I tried the electrolysis trick of wrapping them in foil, and soaking them in boiling water mixed with baking soda. Ta-da, they’re like new! And with that we have ‘new’ wine glasses for the boat (and we can safely pack them in luggage without worrying about breakage).