OK, you’ve seen this one, but it’s a reminder of the rug that we bought

You pass by hundreds of stores eying thousands of rugs till one catches your eye.

Rugs in Assilah

The owner notices you looking and invites you in. He ignores you when you ask how much a certain rug costs and starts pulling out rug after rug, laying them on the floor to better display their beauty.

Overwhelming choices. Talk about analysis paralysis!

Your eyes glaze over so he sets aside the rugs you’re interested in. Then the mint tea arrives and the fun begins.

Well you’ve seen this picture too, but………..negotiations

He pulls out a notebook (or a calculator) and shows you the opening price. Your eyes nearly pop out of your skull and he hands you the notebook and pen, asking you for your price. You write a price down that’s half of his offer and he moans and falls to the ground insulted, then quickly pops up with a counter offer.

Trip waits patiently by the front door, making new friends with locals while this all goes on.

Perry, Danielle, Aziz & Natalie after (finally!) buying

Later, after credit cards have been processed, shipping details obtained, we pause for a formal photograph, then head off to find a big drink to celebrate the purchases….