Nicole, Natalie, Perry & Danielle

Trip’s niece Natalie (Madeleine’s sister) is game to visit us pretty much anywhere in the world, and has probably spent more time on the boat than anyone else. She brought friends Perry and Danielle to Morocco.

Us in Assilah

We took them on a whirlwind tour of both Tangier and Assilah before taking a train with them to Fes, making the most of our limited time with them.

And we bought rugs…..or they did, anyway, as Trip and I had indulged a few days earlier in Marrakech.

Danielle and Aziz negotiating in Tangier

The vibe was definitely different with three young women around. It’s obvious we’re foreigners, and there’s the usual comments ‘welcome to Morocco’ or ‘taxi’ or ‘I’ve got good hash’, but it got more intense with the girls around. We did our best to shake them and enjoy our time.

Lunch at Kennani in Fes
Uncle Trippy & Natalie